Upper Back  therapy is a specialized branch of physical therapy focused on addressing various upper back issues, including Postural Pain, Scoliosis, and other deformities. These conditions can lead to discomfort, pain, and impaired mobility in the upper back and surrounding areas.

  • Postural Pain: Poor posture, often a result of prolonged sitting or improper ergonomics, can lead to postural pain in the upper back. Upper back therapy may involve exercises to strengthen the upper back muscles, stretches to improve flexibility, and education on proper posture.
  • Scoliosis: Scoliosis is a structural spinal deformity characterized by an abnormal sideways curvature of the spine. Therapy for scoliosis aims to manage pain, improve spinal alignment, and enhance core strength through specific exercises and, in some cases, bracing.
  • Other Deformities: Upper back therapy can also address various other deformities or structural abnormalities of the upper spine or surrounding areas, such as kyphosis (excessive forward curvature) or lordosis (excessive inward curvature). Treatment approaches depend on the specific deformity and may include exercises, manual therapy, and postural correction techniques.

A personalized treatment plan is crucial and is developed based on a thorough assessment by a qualified physical therapist. The focus is on relieving pain, improving posture, and enhancing overall function and well-being.